Am I Seriously Going To Wear Cowboy Boots?

Every time there’s a new crazy trend I think, “yeah no not gonna happen, I won’t wear that.” Then leave it to the hottest fashionista’s to change my mind. I’m still waiting for the day I truly refuse to try a trend, but until then let’s talk cowboy boots…

I noticed cowboy boots aka western boots starting to pop up in fashion a couple months ago. Of course my first thought was, “NOPE!” And after seeing more looks with western boots… I’m kind of digging it. This is one of those trends that’s still SUPER low key right now. But a wise man Bruno Mars once said, “Don’t believe me just watch!” I’m telling you, western boots are making a come back. You will see them at Coachella and just generally this spring/summer. Maybe I’m a year ahead like I tend to be sometimes with trend alerts, but I promise you it’s a thing.

 My favorite way I’m seeing western boots worn right now is with dresses and denim. I don’t think I could pull these off with long jeans but I definitely think they’re fun with a spring dress. I could see myself incorporating them into some of my festival looks because I love big boots with short shorts. The word I’m gravitating towards is FUN, just simply something is so fun about these boots!

Photos via @maryleest, @cococuenco, @imjennim

Don’t worry, you don’t just have to be on a glamorous cowgirl vaycay to pull this look off. Western boots are already hitting the streets of LA with casual looks.

Photos via @peaceloveshea, @realisationpar

I mean how cute are those looks?! RealisationPar has some of my favorite dress inspo for Spring in general and seeing their pieces with western boots has me swooning! So what do you think? Will this trend go viral or stay on Instagram? Would you rock a pair of western boots? If you would, I rounded up a few of my favorites below that you can shop! I found some that aren’t TOO cowboy and some that say giddy up! Shop below!

[dahz_framework_product_4_col text_1=”OVERKILL Boot” brand_1=”Jeffery Campbelle” url_1=”” id_1_1=”1318″ text_2=”JAGGER Boot” brand_2=”Free People” url_2=”” id_2_1=”1315″ text_3=”ARIZONA WESTERN Boot” brand_3=”Topshop” url_3=”” id_3_1=”1319″ text_4=”PALO ALTO WESTERN Boot” brand_4=”Free People” url_4=”” id_4_1=”1316″ /]


Let me know what you think of this trend in the comments below!!


7 thoughts

  1. Can you please do a coachella post? Must haves, outfits, what to take, whats needed? Youre Queen of chella!!! Its my first Year going and you published great posts on your app (rip). Could you please do a coAchella theme post?! Love ya

  2. I’ve been seeing this trend since coachella last year, and im obsessed. Its definitelY a comeback and will kill the insta game at chella this year <3 cute post lo !!

  3. I honestly think this is going to be a cool trend! I’m from Texas so boots have pretty much always been a “trend” lol Girls ESPECIALLY wear them to special occasions with a cute sun dress or romper or on a night out with shorts and a cute top! I think it’d be cool for Cowboy boots to catch on as a trend somewhere other than the south!

  4. You’re literally ahead of every trend!! So iconic! So excited to tr y this out and other spring/summer trends xx

  5. im from TX so i have them BUT i got these lil mini ones from free people to wear at college (like low key tx vibes) and i am so obsessed w them!! like a jean shorts casual western moment{RKG-GooglePLAsUS}-_-GooglePLA-_-Brand-PLA+-+Brand-_-Shoes&product_id=45481009&utm_source={RKG-GooglePLAsUS}&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=brand&utm_term=Shoes&utm_content=PLA+-+Brand&adpos=1o1&creative=191064657294&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvLLZBRDrARIsADU6ojBsvEmzYxaX6pP6T72WcaE1dHDZnMt_cOsShMYUY5sX-yxxSfukErMaAg2fEALw_wcB

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