New Beauty Favorites!

I become obsessed with beauty products very quickly, but not often. I know what I like so I’m definitely drawn towards certain types of products. Products that make me feel clean, bright, and fresh. I’ve recently become obsessed with quite a few new products I want to share with you guys!

Towards the end of 2017 I was struggling with serious break outs and combination problem skin. If you watch my vlogs it was something I was always pointing out! I forced myself to get back into taking good care of my skin and ever since my break outs have gone away. That’s why I invest so much in nice skincare! Your body is literally absorbing what you put on your skin so you want to make sure it’s the best!

I put together some of my new product favorites. I have my OG skin products that I’ve been using for years. (comment if you want a post on those!) But I always love trying new things as well! Here are some new products on the market, and some just new to me that I think you guys will love!

Click each product review to shop as well! 

  1. Glossier’s Exfoliating Skin Perfector: Whenever Glossier comes out with a new product, which is often since they’re a new brand, it’s so easy to want to buy it. Their marketing and engagement is incredible and hard to resist. I love how this is a chemical exfoliant. It doesn’t have any beads or washing aspect that scrapes at your skin. It’s basically like a toner but it gently exfoliates with AHA, BHA, & PHA. (Those are three acids that are essential for good brightening & clearing skincare.) It’s great for clearing skin but also brightening and glowing. The reason I finally caved and bought it, is because my assistant had been using it for about a week and her skin was literally glowing. So after reading everything AND seeing the results I was sold. And now I love it! My skin feels so much brighter and clearer.
  2. Fresh’s Lotus Youth Preserve Rescue Mask: This is a new product to Fresh Beauty’s collection of masks. I bought it without even doing research because I have other Fresh mask’s and they are incredible. When Fresh says you’ll see instant results, they aren’t lying. So when I read this mask only takes 5 minutes and you immediately see results I was sold. I will let you know my trick though… Buy travel sizes! This stuff can be expensive. Especially when trying for the first time, I always look for the cheaper & smaller travel size. Therefore I spent $25 on this mask instead of $62. I loved the feeling of this mask and it definitely gave me brighter skin after just one use. I love the ingredients they use as well!
  3. Herbivore Lapis Facial Oil: I put off buying this for a while because it is expensive, but I just can’t resist good ingredients. Blue tansy is an ingredient that’s super hot right now in skincare for it’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial aids. I started using this when my skin was recovering from break outs and still getting the occasional ones. I love that it’s an oil so it’s not drying out my skin but is still clearing it. This oil is completely natural but will still completely clarify your skin and reduce redness. I say it’s worth the price tag.
  4. La Mer: Oh man, clearly there’s a theme in this post of caving and spending money! But I’ll tell you why I caved on this. Over the holidays, La Mer finally introduced travel sizes! So this nearly $400 cream was available for $85. You don’t need a lot when you’re applying this, so I saw it as a good deal considering I purchased in Chicago when my skin needed serious moisture. It’s almost March now and I still have a ton left, and use it all the time. This is a cult favorite for a reason. It’s truly an incredible product and I will repurchase the travel size again. If you love luxury and have dry skin, I highly recommend.
  5. Kora Organic’s Noni Face Oil: This is Miranda Kerr’s skincare line if you didn’t already know! And I will say, it’s amazing. I love what she did and how she’s infusing things like crystals and unique ingredients into her line. This face oil is obviously organic which is amazing, but of course really works! It seriously makes you glow. I love using it before wearing makeup or when just going bare face. It’s so hydrating and feels amazing on your skin. I promise, you don’t have to be afraid of face oils if you have oily skin! Just trust!
  6. The Organic Pharmacy’s Detox Body Oil: Seriously obsessed. I have such dry skin and I’ve recently started using this with my Dry Brush. It smells amazing and is specific in ridding your body of toxins. It’s great for cellulite and problem areas giving you toned skin. I highly recommend this body oil and am definitely addicted!

Have you tried any of these products?! Let me know what you go out and buy!


3 thoughts

  1. Lauren, I have been following you on the internet for around 5 years now, and I am so excited that you have re-vamped and relaunched your website. Being in my early 20’s myself, i feel like i have gotten to watch you grow up while i grow up. I genuinely trust your opinions on products and on general life advice. I have loved following you over the years and seeing you grow not only as an influencer, but as an individual. you are amazing and inspiring, and i can’t wait to see what else is to come from you!

    1. I totally agree with your comment. Lauren’s life is so inspiring! I love to follow her life as well. 🙂

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