I recently got my second Brazilian Blowout with Dezi and wanted to share answers to ALL of your questions! This treatment has truly changed my life and I cannot stress that enough. I always had the impression that a Brazilian treatment was super bad for your hair, but after going to stylists that I trust they actually informed me it’s not and that I was the perfect candidate! I started by getting a Keratin treatment which is a different process than the Brazilian. You have to leave it in for three days and can’t get your hair wet. Keratin puts protein back into your hair, therefore, smoothing it but I have so much frizzy hair I wanted it even sleeker and straighter. A Brazilian isn’t a permanent straightening treatment and you’ll see that in the FAQ graphic. My hair has not changed at all if anything it has gotten healthier. I can now not blow dry my hair and let it air dry which is something I haven’t done since elementary school! I hate my natural hair and now I love it with the treatment.
Dezi is based in Los Angeles and does Keratin and Brazilian along with amazing color and extensions. The key to this treatment is going to someone smart and talented. Just like color, you don’t want someone bleaching your hair that is careless, it’s not the bleaches fault is theirs. A Brazilian isn’t damaging unless you’re going to someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing! Also, an important note is the brand. We use the brand Pure Brazilian and you can go to their website for even more information that is super helpful. They also have a CLEAN formula which I know is a big concern since Brazilians are known to have harmful chemicals.
So keep in mind these FAQ answers are based off MY experience with Dezi and using Pure Brazilian. The photos above are from their website and a perfect example of how your hair looks after! I went to Europe over the Summer with this treatment and NEVER had to style my hair. I could wear it down and I have loose smooth waves. It truly feels like a MIRACLE for me because my natural hair looks like Tarzan. Super thick, coarse, and wavey. When I blow dry my hair it’s so much faster and SO sleek and smooth.
If you’re interested in this treatment, I highly recommend finding someone amazing who uses Pure Brazilian OR if you’re based in Los Angeles or San Diego, slide into my girl Dezi’s DM’s and have your life changed for the better! I hope this answers all of your questions!
Talk to you on Instagram! @LaurenElizabethINC